The Inca Train...A Mystic Experience is the caption on the side of the rail cars, stops in the middle of the track at Kilometer 104. As the train comes to a halt, four people rise (my son and I being 2) and walk to the side door of the train, where we are instructed to 'Jump!' It wasn't that far to the ground, however for a 57 year old, out of shape and carrying a little extra body weight plus a backpack, it should have been a clue of the 6 hour journey that lie ahead.
My spanish speaking son and I jump down off of the train and we're greeted by one of our tour guides waiting for us next to a river. He instructs us to stand by the sign reading CAMINO SAGRADO CHACHABAMBA - WELCOME TO THE INCA TRAIL - Translation; SACRED WAY CHACHABAMBA. We are taken across the swinging bridge made of boards and rope to a place where we will wait for the rest of the people who will be joining our hiking group.
Like all things in my life, I said 'yes' to this incredible opportunity, but I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Everyone arrives and we're given some fried rice for lunch. The altitude is very high and I'm not very hungry, however, I'm not carrying it on the hike, so I ate some and left the rest. We were also given an apple, banana, crackers and cookies, which I put in my backpack because I had space to spare, not realizing I would have my son's snacks and we would be hiking separately!
Our tour guides announce that we are getting a late start and that we have to hurry along the trail and did anyone want to go back on the train. No takers! So, now it's noon, the hottest part of the day and we all begin a brisk start. Very quickly, I fall to the rear and I say to my son, "Go on without me....save yourself!"
(To be continued)
Great Photo!!!! I love it. cant wait to hear more!