He looks peaceful; now, doesn't he? You'd never guess that he is a bouncy little guy. My daughter called to report to me all the 'bad habits' her new little bundle of joy, Tate was acquiring. His chewing and bouncing around like Tigger on Winne the Pooh! All I could do was laugh. It reminded me of exactly why we sent our children off to college; so that we didn't have to watch all the mischievous behavior that comes with growing, exploring and learning about this big beautiful world we live in.
What I have come to see is that everything that we do, all the situations, people and relationships that we attract to ourselves are simply tools to help us to see ourselves more clearly and discover the life lessons that we have come to this earth to learn. What may seem like failure, simply isn't so. Henry Ford says it like this: Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again...more intelligently the next time!
So the next time you get 'down' on yourself because things didn't go the way you had planned, just remember to be kind to yourself and know that you are doing great! Every thing is in Divine Order. I'll leave you with this one last thought: We Plan and God Laughs!