My friend and I had been talking about swimming with the Dolphin in Hawaii for a long time, while I never really felt a strong heart pull to do it, however, it intrigued me and so I said, nonchalantly “Well, let’s go!” and with in the year we had found an extreme bargain, booked the flight and put thought of Hawaii on the back burner of living.…well, that is until one day she called me to said the airline we had booked our tickets with filed for bankruptcy, but her husband had found another airline but within 2 days they had also closed their doors. The tickets on the remaining airlines were going up steadily and our $400 ticket was now going to cost us nearly $800! Whoaaa baby!
I took some time and did some meditation wondering if we were supposed to go just now…if felt like, yes, this is the time. Well then, somebody better help get a reasonable price and there it was, with one push of the button on the computer there it was a ticket for only $12 more than the original ticket. Dolphin, here we come!
My friend has time shares in Hawaii and so had been there many times swimming with the dolphins. She had such a pull to swim with them that after one of our 3 hour swims, she decided to go back in and I put her on a “time out”…she’d follow those boys anywhere!
Our first swim with the dolphin was on a commercial boat. Only 7 other people and by ½ way through the swim only ½ of us got back in the water so it was very cool. While that was the only time we were with a group, I was very grateful for the experience of swimming in the ocean for the first time in many years with “professionals” around. I loved that I was able to recapture my diving skills. But from then on – we headed out on our won, in search of the dolphin. We swam with them several more times but it was our last swim that was intense and a very powerful, spiritual experience.
We had rented the movie, “The Eye of the Dolphin.” At the end the message…we can connect with dolphins spiritually…we just have to learn to listen.”
The day before our last swim we were headed for a remote beach that wasn’t well known. We had several diversions that kept us from making that particular beach that day. We started the day started out needing gas but neither of us had brought any money. To go back to town wasn’t an option as the traffic was stop and go going back to town, so we went to a closer beach we had swam with the dolphin before. On our way back into town is when we picked up Brett. Later after dropping Brett off…a car accident. No one was hurt, just a little diversion a diversion that later proved to have been orchestrated for our surprise party the following day.
Next day, full tank of gas, wallets in the car we head out, our last day to swim with the dolphins we find our way down the windy hilly reminding me of the little beach towns we used to visit in Mexico. Little homes built on the hill side as well as along the edge of the sea. We find the place the tour book spoke of…a little church at the end of the road.
We gather our masks and fins and towels and look around. Now which way? The sea on one side, homes on the other side of this lava covered path, with several forks…a young man comes along…”stay to the left” he offers advice to us.
We stay to the left, uneven lava makes us cautious on the trail. Still wondering if it’s the correct path, we plug away, hoping across rocks to help with crossing in front of a cement wall that holds the sea back from a private camping area.
There it is just ahead in the clearing a beautiful coconut grove with a curved black sandy beach engulfing the bay. We’re the only ones there….my friend cries out like it’s Christmas morning and she just discovered Santa had arrived, “There they are!” Indeed, there they were. We hurriedly put out things down and put on our mask, snorkel and fins and we begin what ended up as a three hour private swim, alone with our friends,our soul comrades; the dolphin. A couple of people came at different times for a bit, but basically we were all alone.
While it is absolutely their pattern to come into the bay to rest in the day, two dolphin absolutely, intentionally pulled away from the pod and swan with us specifically. They were so close we could have reached out and touched them, but following the “rules” which are no touching the sea life, we just sent them love and gratitude for being with us.
They feed at night and in the morning come to the bay to rest by shutting off half their brain and closing one eye, staying close together, gliding back and forth, resting. Now and then several would break away and play for a bit, but quickly returning to the pod. They also like to play the leaf game. You take a large leaf into the water and drop it in front of them and they pick it up, swim with it and drop it back in front of you. It’s absolutely amazing.
My one regret, a lady coming into the water said she saw a shark, I was on my way out of the water and hurried up the process, not liking to touch the bottom, swam with my head above the water as I didn’t want to see him. Later, reading in the guide book, on hammer head shark lives in the bay and is completely harmless. I’m sorry I let the fear of another penetrate me.
It had been 3 hours of swimming with the dolphin and they were becoming more melancholy, and I decided I too needed a rest. I climbed out and lay on the towel; covering with another as not to get too much sun. Finally my friend joins me. I lie with my head on one of the packs; she resting her back on my legs. I commented, “It totally feels like an “after glow” experience, maybe like after a orgasm, just resting in the bliss, the calm and peacefulness.
I added, “The only thing that would make this better is water.” After 3 hours of swimming in salt water, a swig of water would have been grand and we had left ours back at the car.
With that comment I noticed to the left behind the coconut trees, clouds forming, too early for the common afternoon showers. The wind kicked up blowing through the coconut trees and the sound of the rustling leaves of the trees was magnificent. Steadily the clouds began to glide towards us and little droplets of rain gently fell upon us. I said it was like angel kisses. I wasn’t smart enough to tilt my head back and open my mouth, but I was present enough to totally appreciate that they were indeed kisses from the angels.
I began to watch the clouds move slowly past, like watching a movie; they parted and the sun peeked through and I noticed the face of a wolf. What else played out in the clouds, 6 dolphins,(joy) turtle,(navigator) butterfly (transformation) kissing the silhouette of a face. (In Native American Spiritual Tradition the animals have meanings which I put in parenthesis.)
I sat up and began to write. “Oh my gosh! I know exactly what this is! This is an Initiation – for both of us!” I had been planning a ceremony for my friend – a Rite of Passage, but this was for both of us. I say to my friend “We are being initiated here!” She too began to watch the clouds forming into shapes that had meaning for her.
The winds calmed, the dolphin had disappeared but made one last appearance to say goodbye. We acknowledged and sent them love and gratitude.
My friend asked me to read to her what I had written. As I began to read from my notes the wind stirs and the trees begin to blow once again – for me, a confirmation that I we were right; We had been initiated!
Next to our towels was a beautiful branch with coconut buds on it – symbolism of course. I had noticed it, but it was my friend who picked up. I said she should take it home, but when she decided not to, I took it as a reminder of this most spiritual experience.
The next day, before we left, my friend was returning from one last attempt to see the dolphin, when a favorite song of hers came on the radio. It was so meaningful for her she couldn’t turn it off; it was “I’ll Always Remember You.” She came back in of course with her thinking she would always remember the dolphin and yet, I took it as the dolphin saying, “They’ll always remember us!”
I believe that they too had as much of a spiritual experience as we did. While I tell the story from a factual viewpoint, it wasn’t until a week later traveling down south that I integrated it into my heart…by being.
I was listening to a Garth Brooks song and I began to replay it over and over again…”It was you.” It was about my experience with the dolphins. I knew it on a soul level and the tears began to roll down my cheeks. “It was you, it was your heart that shined guiding my heart to find, this place where I belong…you reached into my heart and you found the melody and if there every was somebody who made me believe in me, it was you…it was your voice that gave me wings, (flash back to the sounds they made underwater) …with God’s great angels like you”…Next I noticed a license plate with the whale tale on it with the letters AQ ANGEL – for me aqua angel….The Dolphin! I looked down several times and saw a small jumping dolphin on my left wrist with the Evolve to Live symbol behind it. A constant reminder that I’m not alone in this venture, that I am supported and held in highest regard by all that lives.
Trying to start a business to help people in transition, I believe it is the dolphins who are the cheerleaders, whose energy is opening the channels for Evolve to Live to be born. I applied for a credit card (something I had been declined from for the past 5 years) and I was sent one in the amount of $2,000 and the front of the card… a dolphin, which I had selected from a variety of choices. It was astounding to me.
My boys had brought back a dolphin key ring for me from Mexico. Then this last miracle…I had put on my first Evolve to Live Seminar and only 2 paid people attended. While I took my time sitting on the pity pot, I walked to the end of the pier in Huntington Beach and there he was, a lone dolphin swimming at the end of the pier. He made my heart sing, and for me, the message was “Don’t give up on Evolve to Live.
My friend who accompanied me to Hawaii has a heart to save the dolphins and after our first swim, she got out of the water and very calmly said, “I have to do something about them getting caught in the fishing nets.” It was so calm and clear that I knew it was a “knowing” not something she had come up with out of desperation to help. I told her, that maybe her campaign would be something that would manifest itself through Evolve to Live, maybe something as simple as a petition to be circulated at seminars or a blurb on the Evolve to Live website. It seemed to be simple but will make a big impact on how our friends are treated.
Next: The miracle of the manta ray's.....